{{-- * LaraClassifier - Classified Ads Web Application * Copyright (c) BeDigit. All Rights Reserved * * Website: https://laraclassifier.com * Author: Mayeul Akpovi (BeDigit - https://bedigit.com) * * LICENSE * ------- * This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copied * only in accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion * of the above copyright notice. If you Purchased from CodeCanyon, * Please read the full License from here - https://codecanyon.net/licenses/standard --}} @extends('layouts.master') @php $authUserIsAdmin ??= false; $userStats ??= []; $countThreads = data_get($userStats, 'threads.all') ?? 0; $postsVisits = data_get($userStats, 'posts.visits') ?? 0; $countPosts = (data_get($userStats, 'posts.published') ?? 0) + (data_get($userStats, 'posts.archived') ?? 0) + (data_get($userStats, 'posts.pendingApproval') ?? 0); $countFavoritePosts = data_get($userStats, 'posts.favourite') ?? 0; $fiTheme = config('larapen.core.fileinput.theme', 'bs5'); $serverAllowedImageFormatsJson = collect(getServerAllowedImageFormats())->toJson(); @endphp @section('content') @includeFirst([config('larapen.core.customizedViewPath') . 'common.spacer', 'common.spacer'])
@includeFirst([config('larapen.core.customizedViewPath') . 'account.inc.sidebar', 'account.inc.sidebar'])
@include('flash::message') @if (isset($errors) && $errors->any())
{{ t('validation_errors_title') }}
    @foreach ($errors->all() as $error)
  • {!! $error !!}
  • @endforeach

{{ t('Hello') }} {{ $authUser->name }} !

{{ t('You last logged in at') }}: {{ \App\Helpers\Date::format($authUser->last_login_at, 'datetime') }}
@if (config('settings.app.dark_mode') == '1') @php $themeSwitcherActive = isDarkModeEnabledForCurrentUser() ? ' active' : ''; @endphp @endif
{{-- PHOTO --}}
@php $photoPanelClass = ''; $photoPanelClass = request()->filled('panel') ? (request()->query('panel') == 'photo' ? 'show' : $photoPanelClass) : ((old('panel')=='' || old('panel') =='photo') ? 'show' : $photoPanelClass); @endphp
@php $photoPathError = (isset($errors) && $errors->has('photo_path')) ? ' is-invalid' : ''; @endphp
{{-- USER --}}
@php $userPanelClass = ''; $userPanelClass = request()->filled('panel') ? (request()->query('panel') == 'user' ? 'show' : $userPanelClass) : ((old('panel') == '' || old('panel') == 'user') ? 'show' : $userPanelClass); @endphp
{!! csrf_field() !!} {{-- gender_id --}} @php $genderIdError = (isset($errors) && $errors->has('gender_id')) ? ' is-invalid' : ''; @endphp
{{-- name --}} @php $nameError = (isset($errors) && $errors->has('name')) ? ' is-invalid' : ''; @endphp
{{-- username --}} @php $usernameError = (isset($errors) && $errors->has('username')) ? ' is-invalid' : ''; @endphp
{{-- auth_field (as notification channel) --}} @php $authFields = getAuthFields(true); $authFieldError = (isset($errors) && $errors->has('auth_field')) ? ' is-invalid' : ''; $usersCanChooseNotifyChannel = isUsersCanChooseNotifyChannel(true); $authFieldValue = $authUser->auth_field ?? getAuthField(); $authFieldValue = ($usersCanChooseNotifyChannel) ? old('auth_field', $authFieldValue) : $authFieldValue; @endphp @if ($usersCanChooseNotifyChannel)
@foreach ($authFields as $iAuthField => $notificationType)
{{ t('notifications_channel_hint') }}
@else @endif @php $forceToDisplay = isBothAuthFieldsCanBeDisplayed() ? ' force-to-display' : ''; @endphp {{-- email --}} @php $emailError = (isset($errors) && $errors->has('email')) ? ' is-invalid' : ''; @endphp
{{-- phone --}} @php $phoneError = (isset($errors) && $errors->has('phone')) ? ' is-invalid' : ''; $phoneValue = $authUser->phone ?? null; $phoneCountryValue = $authUser->phone_country ?? config('country.code'); $phoneValue = phoneE164($phoneValue, $phoneCountryValue); $phoneValueOld = phoneE164(old('phone', $phoneValue), old('phone_country', $phoneCountryValue)); @endphp
phone_hidden) == '1')>  {{ t('Hide') }}
{{-- country_code --}}
{{-- button --}}
{{-- SETTINGS --}}
@php $settingsPanelClass = ''; $settingsPanelClass = request()->filled('panel') ? (request()->query('panel') == 'settings' ? 'show' : $settingsPanelClass) : ((old('panel') == 'settings') ? 'show' : $settingsPanelClass); @endphp
{!! csrf_field() !!} @if (config('settings.listing_page.activation_facebook_comments') && config('services.facebook.client_id')) {{-- disable_comments --}}
disable_comments == 1) >
@endif {{-- password --}} @php $passwordError = (isset($errors) && $errors->has('password')) ? ' is-invalid' : ''; @endphp
{{-- password_confirmation --}} @php $passwordError = (isset($errors) && $errors->has('password')) ? ' is-invalid' : ''; @endphp
@if ($authUser->accept_terms != 1) {{-- accept_terms --}} @php $acceptTermsError = (isset($errors) && $errors->has('accept_terms')) ? ' is-invalid' : ''; @endphp
accept_terms) == '1') >
@endif {{-- accept_marketing_offers --}} @php $acceptMarketingOffersError = (isset($errors) && $errors->has('accept_marketing_offers')) ? ' is-invalid' : ''; @endphp
accept_marketing_offers) == '1') >
{{-- time_zone --}} @php $timeZoneError = (isset($errors) && $errors->has('time_zone')) ? ' is-invalid' : ''; @endphp
@if ($authUserIsAdmin) {!! t('admin_preferred_time_zone_info', [ 'frontTz' => config('country.time_zone'), 'country' => config('country.name'), 'adminTz' => config('app.timezone'), ]) !!} @else {!! t('preferred_time_zone_info', [ 'frontTz' => config('country.time_zone'), 'country' => config('country.name'), ]) !!} @endif
{{-- button --}}
@endsection @section('after_styles') @if (config('lang.direction') == 'rtl') @endif @if (str_starts_with($fiTheme, 'explorer')) @endif @endsection @section('after_scripts') @endsection