{{-- * LaraClassifier - Classified Ads Web Application * Copyright (c) BeDigit. All Rights Reserved * * Website: https://laraclassifier.com * Author: Mayeul Akpovi (BeDigit - https://bedigit.com) * * LICENSE * ------- * This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copied * only in accordance with the terms of such license and with the inclusion * of the above copyright notice. If you Purchased from CodeCanyon, * Please read the full License from here - https://codecanyon.net/licenses/standard --}} @extends('layouts.master') @php $apiResult ??= []; $apiExtra ??= []; $count = (array)data_get($apiExtra, 'count'); $posts = (array)data_get($apiResult, 'data'); $totalPosts = (int)data_get($apiResult, 'meta.total', 0); $tags = (array)data_get($apiExtra, 'tags'); $postTypes ??= []; $orderByOptions ??= []; $displayModes ??= []; $selectedDisplayMode = config('settings.listings_list.display_mode', 'make-grid'); @endphp @section('search') @parent @includeFirst([config('larapen.core.customizedViewPath') . 'search.inc.form', 'search.inc.form']) @endsection @section('content')
@if (session()->has('flash_notification')) @includeFirst([config('larapen.core.customizedViewPath') . 'common.spacer', 'common.spacer'])
@endif @includeFirst([config('larapen.core.customizedViewPath') . 'search.inc.breadcrumbs', 'search.inc.breadcrumbs']) @if (config('settings.listings_list.show_cats_in_top')) @if (isset($cats) && !empty($cats))
@endif @includeFirst([config('larapen.core.customizedViewPath') . 'search.inc.categories', 'search.inc.categories']) @endif @if (isset($topAdvertising) && !empty($topAdvertising)) @includeFirst([ config('larapen.core.customizedViewPath') . 'layouts.inc.advertising.top', 'layouts.inc.advertising.top' ], ['paddingTopExists' => true]) @php $paddingTopExists = false; @endphp @else @php if (isset($paddingTopExists) && $paddingTopExists) { $paddingTopExists = false; } @endphp @endif
{{-- Sidebar --}} @if (config('settings.listings_list.left_sidebar')) @includeFirst([config('larapen.core.customizedViewPath') . 'search.inc.sidebar', 'search.inc.sidebar']) @php $contentColSm = 'col-md-9'; @endphp @else @php $contentColSm = 'col-md-12'; @endphp @endif {{-- Content --}}
{{-- Nav tabs --}}
{{-- OrderBy Desktop --}}

{!! (isset($htmlTitle)) ? $htmlTitle : '' !!}

{{-- Display Modes --}} @if (!empty($posts) && $totalPosts > 0)
@if (!empty($displayModes)) @foreach($displayModes as $displayMode => $value) @if ($selectedDisplayMode == $displayMode) @else @php $displayModeUrl = request()->fullUrlWithQuery((array)data_get($value, 'query')); @endphp @endif @endforeach @endif
{{-- Mobile Filter Bar --}}
    @if (config('settings.listings_list.left_sidebar'))
  • {{ t('Filters') }}
  • @endif
  • {{-- OrderBy Mobile --}}
{{-- Mobile Filter bar End--}}
@if ($selectedDisplayMode == 'make-list') @includeFirst([ config('larapen.core.customizedViewPath') . 'search.inc.posts.template.list', 'search.inc.posts.template.list' ]) @elseif ($selectedDisplayMode == 'make-compact') @includeFirst([ config('larapen.core.customizedViewPath') . 'search.inc.posts.template.compact', 'search.inc.posts.template.compact' ]) @else @includeFirst([ config('larapen.core.customizedViewPath') . 'search.inc.posts.template.grid', 'search.inc.posts.template.grid' ]) @endif
@if (request()->filled('q') && request()->query('q') != '' && data_get($count, '0') > 0) @endif
{{-- Advertising --}} @includeFirst([ config('larapen.core.customizedViewPath') . 'layouts.inc.advertising.bottom', 'layouts.inc.advertising.bottom' ]) {{-- Promo Listing Button --}}

{{ t('do_you_have_anything') }}

{{ t('sell_products_and_services_online_for_free') }}
@if (!doesGuestHaveAbilityToCreateListings()) {{ t('start_now') }} @else {{ t('start_now') }} @endif
{{-- Category Description --}} @if (isset($cat) && !empty(data_get($cat, 'description'))) @if (!(bool)data_get($cat, 'hide_description'))
{!! data_get($cat, 'description') !!}
@endif @endif {{-- Show Posts Tags --}} @if (config('settings.listings_list.show_listings_tags')) @if (!empty($tags))

{{ t('Tags') }}:

@foreach($tags as $iTag) {{ $iTag }} @endforeach
@endif @endif
@endsection @section('modal_location') @includeFirst([ config('larapen.core.customizedViewPath') . 'layouts.inc.modal.location', 'layouts.inc.modal.location' ]) @endsection @section('after_scripts') @endsection